What is your personality-type?

We believe that using questionnaires to establish individual styles within teams create exciting, thought-provoking and ultimately fun ways to break-the-ice and build your team. This is a great ice-breaker which creates a number of personality-types so you can compare the profiles across your team.
The more you understand each other, the more effective and high performing your team will become. We would love you to buy our games, but we also realise it’s nice to have a play with things, so we have put access to our favourite questionnaire below.
The on-line questionnaire will profile you into one of 16 types – created through 4 pairs of characteristics. These 4 characteristics are based around the MBTI scale: Extrovert or Introvert, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling, Judging or Perceiving. You can try the questionnaire out here, and your results will be emailed to you. Our School of Babel Game has everything you need to get your team sharing these profiles in a fun way.