Toolkits to help self-development and teamwork

Short Courses for Self-Development


Why we care about self-development

At School of Babel, we know that your most valuable resource is time. Through this understanding we are focused on developing a number of bite-sized courses focusing on both leadership development and team effectiveness. This means that you can spend more time with your team, and on your own practices, rather than having to look at a multitude of different resources. You will be able to learn techniques that will enhance you and your team’s performance in bite-sized chunks. We truly believe this will lead to a step change in your team’s effectiveness.

Introducing our self-development courses

On this page, we will show-case a series of accessible courses.

We have just published our first course on Udemy: Effective Communication in a Virtual Team Environment

In this course we cover areas to help self-development and to improve communication. We include topics such as Active Listening and VAK learning styles. We also provide a number of ‘Ice-Breakers’ to help build rapport within your team, these can be used whether you have a physically present team or a virtual one.

You can also see the first lecture on here YOU Tube!

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